Friday, October 19, 2007

Trip to Mendoza, Argentina/ Pase escolar

So last weekend we (a group of 8) decided to cross the Andes and spend the weekend in Mendoza, Argentina. It's a great city, very relaxed with a lot of parks. The best thing, without a doubt, is the "tenedor libre" (free fork) concept, which is basically a steak buffet. Except when I think "Steak Buffet," I usually think of a pretty seedy place with C quality meat. This is good Argentine steak, and a lot of it, for $5. God bless Argentina.

Also, I managed to get a student pass for the metro, which will allow me to legally use the student tickets that I've been using the whole semester. I was informed in the international students' office and multiple times in the metro that exchange students weren't allowed to get the student pass. I feel sorry for the gringos that are paying 3x the student price because they didn't bother to ask around for the student pass, and believed the people in the metro office when they said that you can't buy student tickets without a certain student pass. What I heard when they said that was "I'm not going to sell you student tickets without that pass." I managed to find 2 friends that worked in the metro next to campus who were sympathizers in my struggle, and for about a month had an underground network of student tickets. About 3 weeks ago, they tightened up all the regulations, and it was virtually impossible to get on the metro with a student ticket without the pass. I felt like Che Guevara, except without killing people. So, today, I finally managed to get the pass, and was smiling the whole ride back to my apartment.


Anita S. said...

Had no idea you've been keeping up with a blog...rather surprising actually. Going to post your pictures on yours?

Anita S. said...

O yea...I linked your blog on mine. Hope you don't mind.